It’s been a little over a week since 12-12-12 – and I keep going back to that day and how awesome it turned out to be. I keep remembering things that have happened over the past year and I am overwhelmed by all that God has done. I must say, the verse above rings TRUE. Commit your way to the Lord, trust in Him and HE WILL ACT. On my birthday alone, I saw over $2,000 given to Bible translation for the Ehty people. That’s God moving right there – He prompted so many to give and get involved with Year 27!
Through Year 27:
– God moved people to bring over $11,139 (SO FAR!) in Bible translation for the Ehty people
– I got to connect with people from Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, China, Northern Ireland, Canada and more! Year 27 truly became something global!
– I made a BUNCH of new friends.
– I got to give illustrated verses to friends who had children this year – and I’m excited for the impact these parents will have on their children because they are leading them to Jesus.
– I began reading my Bible a lot more consistently – and got to hide God’s Word in my heart in such a unique way.
– The Ehty people are A LOT closer to having a Bible in their own heart language.
– I got to use the talents that God gifted me with to honor Him – and there is a real satisfaction in serving the Lord with the talents that only He can give you.
– I got to meet several new people in Spearfish through the Year 27 art show at Common Grounds
– Over 75 people gathered at Common Grounds to celebrate what God has done. It was a sweet time of fellowship with many people from the community, Black Hills State University and my church family. One of the highlights was when a whole youth group walked into to view my verses and eat cake with us! The leader of the group wanted the students to see how they could do something unique to serve God.
– The list goes on…
There is one thing that I am sure of – Year 27 would not have happened without your partnership and encouragement over this past year. I am so grateful for the support of so many friends and excited about all that God has done and all that He is going to do as His Word speaks to the hearts of the Ehty people of South Asia. This has truly been a year of blessing and joy and the ONLY ONE who gets the credit is God. He is so good and He provided exactly what I needed to see this project through to the end – it was SO cool to see Him do SO much.
That’s a GREAT question. I’m planning to take a break on Year 27 through the rest of 2012, but I fully intend to keep on going with this blog and project. Will verses be posted everyday? No way. Will you still be able to support Bible translation? YES PLEASE. (here’s how you do it.) For now, I’m enjoying a great time with my family for Christmas before I head to Atlanta for Passion 2013. Please join me in praying for exactly what is next for Year 27. Please feel free to shoot me an email if you have any questions or suggestions! (whatsthejillio at gmail dot com)
Love what God has done and love you guys! Merry Christmas!
Jill Davis