Click here to learn more about Bible translation and how to sponsor a verse so that the Ehty people of South Asia can have a Bible in their own heart language.
Monthly Archives: October 2012
Philippians 4:7
Philippians 2:13
Click here to learn more about Bible translation and how to sponsor a verse so that the Ehty people of South Asia can have a Bible in their own heart language.
Philippians 2:10
Click here to learn more about Bible translation and how to sponsor a verse so that the Ehty people of South Asia can have a Bible in their own heart language.
Silent Sunday
Silent Sunday (no verses are posted on Year 27) is a reminder that the Ehty people of South Asia do not have the Bible in their own heart language. Our Silent Sunday is their everyday. The truth and encouragement that is available to us every single day is only a dream for the Ehty believers and a mystery to those who have never heard about Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
There are not many Silent Sundays left for Year 27, and we can help make the Bible available to this people group now. Sponsoring Bible translation ($26 translates one verse of scripture) will ensure that the Ehty can hear and read the Bible in their own heart language 24/7.
Be a part of something BIG. Our goal at Year 27 is to translate the entire book of John into the Ehty heart language! That’s 879 verses. We can do this!
Click here to sponsor a verse or to learn more about about Bible translation through One Verse.