Matthew 5:41

My friend Jason Ford preached on Matthew 5:38-42 yesterday. One of things he said that is going to help me remember these verses: Don’t become your enemy’s enemy!

YEAR 27 is all about sponsoring Bible translation for the Ehty people of South Asia. Join the movement to see the equivalent of the book of John (879 verses) translated into the heart language of the Ehty!

Click here to learn more about sponsoring a verse (takes two minutes!).

Silent Sunday

Happy Sunday everyone!

I would like to remind you that Silent Sunday means that there is an ABSENCE of a doodled verse today. Why? Because the Ehty people in South Asia have Silent Sunday on every day of the week. They are still waiting to have the Bible in their own heart language!

TODAY is also the last day to order from Society 6 with FREE shipping. You may be interested in purchasing something for your mom or grad – well TODAY is the perfect day to do it!

Click here to visit the online store (remember, ALL profit goes to Bible translation).

Click here to sponsor translation directly. One verse sponsored = One verse translated for the Ehty people!