Romans 6:4

Are you walking in “newness of life” today? This verse brings me joy — my life in Christ is one of new life — death doesn’t have a hold on me. I like the way The Message reads:

“That’s what baptism into the life of Jesus means. When we are lowered into the water, it is like the burial of Jesus; when we are raised up out of the water, it is like the resurrection of Jesus. Each of us is raised into a light-filled world by our Father so that we can see where we’re going in our new grace-sovereign country.”

This message can bring joy to us today – but just think about the people around the world who have not heard this message of grace in their own heart language! This verse could be life-changing for the Ehty people of South Asia! That’s what Year 27 is all about: sponsoring Bible translation so that those who experience Bible poverty can hear this beautiful message for the first time! Click here to learn how to sponsor a verse today.

Silent Sunday

For the Ehty people of South Asia, Silent Sunday happens more often than just Sunday – it’s every other day, too. At YEAR 27, we’re going to change that – we are working to translate God’s Word into their own heart language so that every day is a day where they can hear and read about God’s heart and character.

Join me in this effort – just $26 will translate one verse of scripture and 879 verses (our goal at YEAR 27) will translate the equivalent of the book of John into the Ehty heart language. If you are interested in sponsoring a verse right now, or want to learn more about this goal, click here.

Proverbs 25:11

One verse = $26 = potential to impact the lives of over 6,000 people with hope and truth. Click here to sponsor a verse.

Also…now is a great time to order a verse print! FREE shipping through Sunday and these prints (and cell phone covers!) make great gifts! All proceeds go to Bible translation for the Ehty people of South Asia.
Check it out:

Psalm 100:5

One verse = $26 = potential to impact the lives of over 6,000 people with hope and truth. Click here to sponsor a verse.

Also…now is a great time to order a verse print! FREE shipping through Sunday and these prints (and cell phone covers!) make great gifts! All proceeds go to Bible translation for the Ehty people of South Asia.
Check it out: